Features Include

CryptoPayments Revolutionary Widget
Customize & install a crypto payments widget to allow businesses anywhere to start accepting cryptocurrency as payment easily with a tap.

Drag/Drop Easy Customization
Easily customize each DFY site templates and e-commerce widget to fit the business's branding. Everything is point-and-click-easy to set up.

Get Small Biz Clients Fast
You’ll get businesses that will quickly call you to have crypto payments set up.

Auto-Delivery & Auto-Membership Creation
Auto-deliver products & set up memberships automatically after crypto payment.

Confirm & Track Transactions
Integrate any wallet key and check all the transactions that have come in for the products you or the small business is selling.

Commercial & Agency Rights
Sell crypto payment integration for a fee or give access to the app and let the customer set up the sites & crypto payment widgets.

Gorgeous DFY Site Templates
Full-blown sites & product order pages for businesses in all the most popular niches most likely to accept cryptocurrency.

Accept Multiple Cryptos & ‘Stable Coins’
Which cryptocurrencies you want to accept including BitCoin or digital ‘stablecoins’ that reflet the US dollar value.

And so much more
In the most advanced ‘first-to-market’ agency technology solution